SoMAS Ocean Glider Program
Cruise SBU02-3
Deployed on Aug 3, 2023 about 5 miles south of Fire Island Inlet
from the TowBoatUS out of Bayshore at 40o 27.957', 73o20.772'
Mission started on Aug 3, 2023 at 1646 GMT
Glider was recovered on August 24 at 15:30 GMT at 39o
20.858', 74o 10.286' by a crew from Rutgers and
the help of SeaTow Atlantic City.
On August 3 the first of the NYSERDA launch using a Stony Brook
glider, SBU02, took place about 10 miles south of Fire Island Inlet
with the held of TowBoatUS Bayshore. This cruise's primary
purpose is to monitor marine mammal presence in the vicinity of the
planned offshore wind farms. As a result, the cruise has a
meandering path to the southwest ending up off Little Egg
Inlet/Atlantic City where Rutgers' glider crew will retrieve
it. The glider was retrieved on August 24th.
Webpage with near realtime data
Matfile with post cruise data