SoMAS Ocean Glider Program
Cruise SBU01-9
July 6, 2023
Deployed ~5 miles south of Shinnecock Inlet from the RV Parker at 40o
46.054', 72o 24.991'
Mission started on July 6, 2023 at 1707 GMT
Glider was recovered ~22 miles off the coast of Atlantic City at
17:15 GMT at 39o 19.736', 74o 01.042'
with the help of SeaTow Atlantic City
summer DEC seasonal cruise using SBU01 started south of
Shinnecock on July 6th. Significant westward currents as
during the spring cruise necessitated a diversion toward
Atlantic City where the glider was retrieved with the help of
SeaTow Atlantic City.
Webpage with near realtime data
Matfile with post cruise data