JGOFS Arabian Sea Project

JGOFS Arabian Sea Project - ADCP Data Report

Charles N. Flagg, Hyun-Sook Kim and Maureen Dunn

Marine Science Research Center Stony Brook University, NY 11794-5000


This is the home-page with results of the ADCP data collection effort in the JGOFS Arabian Sea Project. The data acquisition system on the R/V T.G. Thompson automatically collects the ADCP data on each cruise. Automatically, that is, with the help of the Thompson's technicians. The pingdata files are shipped to Brookhaven at the end of each cruise.

The ADCP data are processed using the CODAS3 shipboard ADCP processing programs developed by the University of Hawaii with some added capabilities developed here. There will be data reports generated periodically throughout the program. As the data are processed and the figures showing the currents and acoustic backscatter produced, the results will be made available for browsing by way of the World-Wide-Web. Certain generic products and surface current vectors will be made available for all to view but access to the complete results for the individual cruises will be controlled through a user name and password. The user-name/password will be given to the chief scientist of each cruise and/or interested parties can contact us. The intent of the restricted access is to make the data easily available as quickly as possible without trampling on the proprietary rights of the various JGOFS investigators. In general, there should be some discussion with us about potential analyses that make use of the ADCP dataset.

Click here to see the study area.

Auto ADCP Manual

Real Time Software

All Cruise Reports, for cruises TN039 through TN050

Cruise Plots:

These are the cruise track, velocity vectors and contoured sections of each cruise. All the plots are postscript files, you need a postscript viewer to view these graphs. A postscript viewer can be downloaded from the


Any questions, please contact Charles Flagg

Last updated June 9, 2005

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